A Guide to Standard Postcard Sizes for Mailing

The Standard Postcard Sizes for Mailing

Receiving postcards in the mails is always greeted with an enthusiasm that isn’t reserved for letters and mails. Postcards with their small and compact size and picturesque nature tend to catch the eye of the receiver. No surprise that postcards are often the go-to means for any business when it comes to creating awareness for the brand.

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What Is a Postcard?

A postcard is a rectangular sized mail sent to a receiver. It is a form of direct mail but is different from other direct mail options like letters and notices. Postcards do not require an envelope with them and are designed with an image or call to action on the front side and space for message and postage stamp on the backside. A burgeoning question ranges about what size is a postcard, and we will talk about it at lengths down below.

Why Use a Postcard?

Postcards have that peculiarity to convey a clear and concise message to the reader. The graphics and images with the postcard also make them the perfect decorative pieces for homes. Since these do not require an envelope, it has higher chances of being read. People tend to take the postcard out of their mailbox and look at the image on the front and flip it back and go through the backside. The biggest USP for using postcards for your promotional campaigns is the minimal effort required to reach the user and easy usage. Furthermore, postcards are retained and kept for longer than the letters and notices.

What Are the Different Postcard Sizes?

There are different postcard sizes present in the market ranging from the normal-sized, standard-sized to the large-sized. Talking about dimensions, these can range from 4″ x6″, 5″ x7″, 6″ x9″,6″ x11″, 8.5″ x11″, and more. These aforementioned ones are the standard postcard-sized available across the states. However, there are also customizable sizing options available for postcards.

Size plays a major role in postcard mailing. The reason behind this is the criterion of USPS regarding the postcards mailing price. The price bracket is divided into different segments based on how big a postcard is, like first-class postcard rates, first-class letter rates, and more. Only those falling in the bracket of first-class postcards are treated with the postcard mailing price whilst others undergo higher prices.

Here’s how USPS postcard sizes are classified:

First-Class Postcards Rate

  • A postcard should be a rectangle in shape.
  • It should have a minimum dimension of 3.5-inches in height, 5-inches in length, and 0.007-inches in thickness.
  • The maximum permissible dimensions for a first-class postcard are 4.25-inches in height, 6-inches in length, and 0.16-inches in thickness.

First Class Letter Rates

  • The sizes dimensions ranging from 5″ x 7″ to 6″ x 11″ are treated as a standard letter or first-class letter and subject to a higher price than first-class postcards.

Flats Rate

  • Any postcard with a dimension of 8.5″ x 11″ or higher is treated as flats and is subjected to a higher postage rate than other postcards.
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Brief on Different Postcard Size in Inches

Here is a brief description and features of all available postcard sizes in the states.

Standard size postcards (4″ X 6″)

The standard-sized postcards are the ones featuring the dimensions of 4″ x 6″. These are the most common types of postcards you’ll find anywhere across the states and even worldwide. The standard-sized postcard qualifies for the standard postcard mailing price as per USPS and is cost-effective.

The small size of these postcards makes them an effective option for mailing announcements, special offers, reminders, and more. They can also be integrated with other direct mail options to create a comprehensive package. They are the most affordable of the postcards when it comes to mailing costs and fits in every business organization’s budget looking for a postcard mailing campaign. It’s the most typical postcard size in action.

Medium Sized Postcard (6″ X 8″)

Although 4″ x 6″ are the standard sized postcard when it comes to using all over the states, it lacks a few things. The standard-sized postcard is a common thing, and your brand may not get that first impression. Thankfully, this medium-sized postcard takes care of those things.

It has a wider dimension than the standard sized postcards and, hence, provides great space to demonstrate the company’s message to the reader. It also stands out due to its bigger size and can catch the eye of the viewer in the first instance. However, due to its wider dimension, it does not qualify for first-class postcard rates are subject to letter rates. Still, it’s a cost-effective measure when you compare it to the costs of other larger-sized postcards. This is for companies who are willing to shed a few extra dollars in a bid to stand out among the public.

Large Size (6″ X 9″)

Next up is the large-sized postcards, the name being derived from its larger dimensions than the medium-sized postcards. The dimensions for large-sized postcards is 6″ X 9″. These come with additional space that can be used for marketing and branding purposes by the company. It can be great for integrating a detailed message along with a call to action. The large-sized postcard space allows you to put images there for further brand retention as images are recalled for longer than words.

The gaunt size makes it a bit costlier when it comes to mailing, but that’s something you have to part with to gain the prospects’ immediate attention. This large-sized postcard can be great for letting people know of your brand or any events. It can also be used for product launches and other uses.

Jumbo Size (6″ X 11″)

As the name suggests, this one is a massive sized postcard that is unique and different from any other postcard and mailing items. The large space adhering to its dimension of 6″ X 11″ can be great for creating a sudden buzz of a marketing campaign for your brand.

These jumbo-sized postcards are not that common when it comes to marketing, and this is a thing that you can use to your benefit. The reason, people may receive standard postcards quite often and are more likely to pass them on to them. However, if there’s a jumbo-sized postcard, it’s going to create a piquing interest in the user.

Use this one when you’re looking to provide tons of information and images with your postcard, as space is perfectly designed for it. You can also use it to promote your events and upcoming brand growth initiatives ahead. The dimensions still fit into the first-class letter rate and are priced in the same bracket as the medium-sized postcards and large-sized postcards.

Postcards as part of EDDM Package

We talked in length about the different sized postcards and their categorization into different mailing rates as per the USPS guidelines up above. However, there’s also another class of mail that you can incorporate your postcards into. It’s the Every Door Direct Mail. There are different sizes of postcards that can be used as part of the EDDM mailing package and will be subject to the rates as per EDDM pricing. Let’s find out more about this down below:

1. EDDM criteria for Postcards

EDDM has specific criteria when it comes to postcards to be qualified as an EDDM package as:

  • Should have a minimum dimension of 6.125″ X 10.5″.
  • The maximum permissible dimension is 12″ X 15″.

2. What are the different sizes of postcards under EDDM?

The various sizes of postcards available under EDDM are

  • 6.25″ X 9″
  • 6″ X 11″
  • 8.5″ X 11″
  • 1″ X 14″, and more

The idea behind these sites is that since every direct door mail doesn’t have a specific mailing list, a larger sized postcard can help catch the receiver’s attention and help generate leads. The cost of printing the postcard varies with the lowest dimension, costing less to print for.

Customized Postcards

Sometimes, a standard-sized postcard cannot be fit for every occasion and brand. As a result, the onus of customization is still available when it comes to postcards. But make sure to check with your mailing partner before deciding on the customized size, as pricing should be taken into conjunction when it comes to printing and mailing postcards.

How can PostGrid’s Printing and Mailing Postcard service help you?

PostGrid provides printing and mailing of postcards suited for all business organizations and companies in their bid for growth-oriented marketing campaigns. Here’s how PostGrid’s postcard and printing service helps you gain vital impetus in the market.

1. Affordable

PostGrid’s postcard mailing services are designed keeping in mind the needs of the business organizations. Any company looking for postcard printing and mailing are trying to create brand awareness and impart growth in the market. This entire campaign hinges on plenty of things, of which cost factor is one of them. Having an affordable printing and mailing service can help you design and ship thousands of postcards at a reasonable price.

2. Targeted Campaign

PostGrid offers an automated printing and mailing platform and API, which can help you base your campaigns towards specific demographics. With our detailed database, you can find the right audience to cater to and design your campaign to create outreach to these masses resulting in a high lead generation. With a targeted audience in mind, you can create a campaign that is not only cheaper than other marketing means but also result-oriented.

3. Versatile

Postcards tend to be super versatile as they can be used for different purposes. Whether it’s an advertisement or announcement, product launch, launch of a new business entity, postcards can be one of the go-to means to spread the news to the general public. With PostGrid’s postcard printing and mailing service, you also get to print your URL (pURL) on the postcard, allowing you to build personalized interaction with the customer. You can also include QR codes on the postcard, allowing your customer an easy option to transition from offline to your online site.

4. Appeal

Postcards are visually appealing and have always been one of the best responded direct mails in the states. The way you can integrate graphics and visuals with the postcards and the allure of easy read feature makes it great for viewers. These can also spike the interest in the mind of the receiver and compel them to check out your business. And with the digital era already into its pinnacle, you can easily integrate the transition from offline to online with easy via postcards and the use of some marketing tricks like QR scanners. The real estate industry has already seen great usage of the visual appeal created by postcard when it comes to enticing customers.

5. Trackability

Previously direct mails and postcards were hard to track, and keep yourself updated about the inquiries. One of the major traditional practices involved counting the number of a postcard sent and subtracting the number of inquiries received to find out a quantifiable number. This was not scientific but was still the best method at that time. However, with the advent of modern-day postcard printing and mailing API, and platform offered by PostGrid can not only help track the postcards but also track the processing and the shipping process. PostGrid provides detailed analytics of each of the postcard marketing campaigns so that you can find the success rate of your campaign and base the target audience for the future on the back of these metrics.

6. Clear and Concise

The world is already moving at a fast pace, and time is a precious commodity in this era. People don’t have much time to go through the entire advert and direct mails. These days information needs to be easily skimmable. That means you have mere seconds to create an impression on the mind of the recipient of the mail. Postcards, due to their graphic illustration, tend to be eye catchy and get more views. However, you still need to put a clear and concise message in it to help the reader understand it. This is where using PostGrid’s platform can help you design a clear and concise postcard with super customizable options that are sure to get the views and attention of your customers.

7. Builds brand awareness and authenticity

If you’re an up and coming business organization, generating inquiries and creating a brand impression is vital to your organization’s well-being. Postcards can be a great tool to generate the first impressions and strike interest in the customer’s mind. It can also help continue fruitful relations with the customer by creating a regular postcard printing and mailing campaign to your existing customers.

8. Empower existing relationship

The idea behind direct mails is to gain new traction and build new leads and keep your existing customers associated with you. It is well documented that a customer retained is worth twice that of a new customer. With postcards, you can keep your existing customer connected with yourself and give them a reason to visit your website or organization.

Do's and Don'ts of a Postcard mailing campaign

Creating a successful postcard mailing campaign hinges on plenty of things. Here’s a few do’s and don’ts that you should take care of while opting for a postcard mailing campaign.


1. Creating a Compelling Headline

Postcards are known for their visual appeal and picturesque pattern. However, one of the major things that makes a postcard a captivating one is the way they have a catchy and compelling headline. Creating a compelling headline can help grab attention and make people notice your brand. This can create a profound effect in generating leads and providing new prospects to the brand.

2. Use Bright and Bold Colors for Headlines

There are plentiful postcards sent via direct mails, and making yourself stand out among them is vital. Always try to use bold and bright colors in the headlines that will allow it to stand out from the background of the postcard and embed it in the receiver’s mind.

3. Strike a Visual Balance

A postcard can be a dream mail if it is designed and executed properly. On the same note, a badly designed postcard can affect the campaign. Direct mail postcards should be designed with a visual balance in mind so that it attracts the viewer. Always use colors and designs in a subtle nature with the right bearing on the background and the way it beds with the headlines. Try to keep the focus on the promotional message and lure your receiver to be attracted by it.

4. Don’t Forget the Back Side

Postcards have dual sides, with one side primed for graphics and the other side for address and information. This makes it a great tool to market your brand. If you have an average postcard-sized piece with you then the backside becomes as crucial as the front side and should be designed with the right precision. Since postcards don’t have an envelope with them, any user that takes out a postcard from the mailbox may find it placed either on the front side or back side down. So if anyone takes out the postcard from the backside, you’d not want them to turn it away. Keep the backside filled with the right promotional offer and have a clear pattern that can help them read it easily.

5. Always Follow the USPS Rules

Merely designing a postcard isn’t the end of your business promotion campaign. A campaign is known to be successful only when the mail reaches the end-user and helps generate leads. Sending the mail to the end-user requires a few navigational rules to address. As per the USPS postcard guidelines, you need to print and label your postcards with proper address and capitalization in place. The same should be printed with the use of a pen or marker. You should also include a standard zip code to make it easy to mail. Also, make sure to apply the proper postcard postage with it.


1. Targeting the Wrong Audience

A postcard campaign should be marketed towards the right audience for it to turn out to be a successful one. If the same is targeted towards the wrong audience, the entire campaign will turn out to be a disaster. Do not time your postcard campaign towards the wrong audience.

2. Lack of Continuity

It is a well-documented fact that marketing campaigns cannot turn out to be successful without a continued follow-up. If you expect to send a single postcard and hope to amass the leads, then you may be in for a surprise. A viewer or receiver needs to be reminded of the information to help imprint your brand in the back of their mind. However, do make sure to curb the line between continued effort and irritating them.

3. Absence of Contact Information

Postcard marketing aims to entice the viewers and compel them to inquire about your brand. This can only happen if you have the proper contact information provided with the postcard. Don’t forget to mention your contact details and address in the postcard

4. Absence of Trial Postcards

A successful postcard mailing campaign needs to take care of plenty of aspects. A lifesaver hack would be to send out a few postcards as a trial to a select few users to see their response. This will help you gain vital insights on how the campaign will work and any changes you need to make. Don’t forget to conduct a trial campaign at first.

FAQs about Postcard Printing and Mailing

Q: Is there any specific format that needs to be followed for printing and mailing?
Customers can freely decide any postcard design according to their needs and choice. However, the layouts are predefined according to the mailing templates. Customers can check out the mailing templates to find the layout that will suit their purpose.

Q: Can I print and mail my postcard in portrait orientation?
Yes, you can print your postcards in either landscape or portrait orientation as per your suitability. Just make sure to check the mailing requirements before proceeding to print and mail to understand the postcard dimensions.

Q: What if my postcards don’t adhere to the USPS mailing conditions?
If your postcards don’t comply with the USPS mailing conditions, they will be treated like folded cards or brochures and will require an envelope alongside them. You can also manually stamp and drop the postcards in the post office in this case.

Q: How long will it take for my postcards to be mailed?
Ans: When you print your postcards with PostGrid, it will take two additional business days once the postcards are printed for them to be mailed. You can also opt for printing with PostGrid and mailing them yourself. A first-class mail will require a commitment of a minimum of 500 pieces and will require around 3-9 days for it to be delivered, while the standard mail comes with a commitment of 200 pieces and a delivery time of 4-20 days.

Wrapping Up

Postcards come in different sizes and finding the best one can be subject to the customer’s needs and requirements. For some, a standard postcard size can offer the best option for a marketing campaign, while a large-sized card presents the best value for some. Consider the idea around the postcard and the stretch of the campaign so that you can get the maximum value out of your postcard mailing.

Empower your Postcard Marketing Campaign with PostGrid’s API & Platform today!

PostGrid’s automated API & Platform allows you to print and mail letters, postcards, checks, postcards, and more at cost-effective and efficient pricing.

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The post A Guide to Standard Postcard Sizes for Mailing appeared first on PostGrid.

source https://www.postgrid.com/a-guide-to-standard-postcard-sizes-for-mailing/


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